Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can I be bratty for a moment?

Here's how I feel lately...


My emotions are a pinball machine. I am at once overcome by anticipation, anxiety, inspiration, sadness, listlessness, determination, apathy, wanderlust... I feel completely psychotic. All of this time alone with myself over the past weeks- and it's only just begun- time, time, time, time, time, time, time...

This is the first time in my life that I have ever been this still for this long. This is a time to learn and be disciplined and grow and I DON'T WANT TO.

There. I said it. I do not want to sit still. I do not want to do the same thing every day. I am 22 years old and I want to GO.

Pay off your debt, Daryn. It's so manageable and you can be rid of it by summer. Save every possible penny. Use this year to SAVE what you need in order to DO.


This is a season. I don't have to like it but I do have to be in it.

Blah, blah, blah.

1 comment:

  1. Dude - amen.

    I'm tired of doing all the things i'm supposed to do so that i can do more later. Especially when people around me seem to be having so much more fun doing what they want to do now. But my roommate always reminds me when i start whining about it that they will be regretting it later and i will be so much happier if i stick it out.

    but i hear ya - i'm restless! I want to go have adventures and go do exciting things and working to pay bills and getting extra schooling just seems like a bore and a waste of time.
